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Privacy Policy

Who am I?

Asahela Rose is a Lactation Consultant based in London, United Kingdom providing breastfeeding support and parent education.

What information and data do I collect about you?

I collect personal information and medical history. During our consultation, I will only collect the information that is relevant to my practice. Information is documented on my visit forms and I will make notes during our consultation regarding medication, feeding concerns, birth and family history and any other relevant information that may affect the health of you or your baby. I will also collect any information that is discussed via any other forms of communication such as, social media, telephone calls and emails.

Why do I collect your information and how will I use it?

I collect your information as this will facilitate in allowing me to be able to plan, assess, provide care and provide treatment plans for you and your baby. I will use the information to support continuity of care, allowing me to provide the most appropriate plans following consultations.

Will your information be shared?

With your consent, if necessary to help support your care, your information might be shared with other Healthcare professionals involved with the care of you or your baby. This could be your named Midwife, GP, Health Visitor and other practitioners caring for you. I will not share your information without your consent with any third parties unless it is a matter of patient safety/safeguarding concerns.

Your information will never be used for marketing purposes without your consent.

How long will personal data be stored?

The data/information collected during our consultations will be stored until your child’s 25th birthday.

Accessing information

If you would like to access the information I hold about you, this request can be made in writing by emailing

The information requested will be provided within 30 days.


In the event that you have a complaint or a concern regarding how your information is processed I would ask that you raise you concerns with me in the first instance. If you do not get a response within 30 days you may complain to the ICO.  

Contact Details:

Asahela Rose:


Telephone: 07377426735


Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF 

Telephone +44 (0) 303 123 1113


+44 7377 426735

London, UK

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©2021 by Asahela Rose of Rosebuds Lactation Consultancy.

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